Glass Display Case

See the above description for the text on the plaque.

See the above description for the text on the plaque.

As I create props based on my interests, I am finding myself building a proper museum. As a fan of shows like Wearhouse 13 and movies like The Librarian, I have assembled my collection as though it were displayed in some mystical place for appreciation, study, and protection. To this end, I have created a glass display case. I went the extra mile and made this prop with a removable top and the possibility to remove the glass. Additionally, both clean and dirty versions exist, complete with fingerprints and dust. I know nothing about carpentry, but I did try to structure the shapes of the box based on real-world needs and with a mind to how each joint would be supported and where the seams would be.

The inscription on the plaque I created reads:
Behold this magnificent relic, and let the echoes of its epic
saga resonate within your soul. This is Excalibur, the
legendary Sword of Power. The tale of its creation begins with
the great mage Merlin, who cleverly stole the staff of an evil
mage and used its dark powers for a greater good. With his
exceptional mastery of magic, Merlin created a weapon
of unparalleled might - Excalibur. Merlin etched ancient
words of enchantments onto the blade to imbue it with the
very essence of magic. The mystical Lady of the Lake, with
her ethereal touch, forever linked the sword to the Pendragon

All hail the future king of Camelot!